The social construction of environment: an observation from the sociology of risk
Social and environmental risks, construction risk, Functional DifferentiationAbstract
This article is a theoretical-conceptual construction and social perception of environmental risk approach. The theming and questioning is approached from the particular perspective of the theory of social systems and the risk society, relieving the complexity and social fragmentation that has reached modern society, which has altered its ability to meet the risks and dangers plotted in manifestos latent problems and conflicts that arise around it. In this sense, it is evident construction and social perception of risk as a privileged space to observe the self- society makes the environment. Therefore, the paper proposes in its structure, a proposed conceptual framework of observation and a review of studies on risk, realizing that a modern society —functionally differentiated— hampers, stress and limits to social systems science or any other social actor that could control and govern these phenomena, since it is a highly complex society, marked by uncertainty and contingency.
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