The Coups d’état and the Media. Córdoba 1955: Los Principios in Front of the “Revolución Libertadora”
Ideological and Discursive Formations, Contractive Analysis, Coup d’état, Media, CórdobaAbstract
Abstract. In this work we show how the media play a fundamental role in the construction of historical “events” at the same time that “legitimize” and “conceal” their own political-ideological positions. Based on a contrastive analysis of three publishing houses of the catholic paper Los Principios, published in 1955, we found that its political position and the coup d’état are concealed in a religious speech, where the military action is shown as the duty to protect God’s will in the educative spheres corrupted by the “dictadura”. Thus, it was not a “chance” that the “ley de enseñanza libre” was announced in the months following the “revolución”. This law authorized catholic universities from Argentina to issue university certificates.
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Fuentes documentales
Diario Los principios, Biblioteca de la legislatura de Córdoba.
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