
  • Orlando Delgado Selley UACM



Social rights, human rights, economic rights, Breton Wood´s, integral democracy


This study tries to explain the fundamental causes of post war and the world, to revise them and compare them against it´s actions from 1975 to the year 2000. Specifically the contrasts between the defense of social rights, to be understood as the combination of civil rights and economic rights: Besides all of the above, we present an initial draft of what might be the articulating angles of a proposal that allows us to overcome neoliberalism.


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Author Biography

Orlando Delgado Selley, UACM

Maestro en economía por la Facultad de Economía de la UNAM. Profesor-investiga- dor de la UACM de la Academia de Ciencia Política y Administración Urbana.


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