New challenges an d forms of ethnographic work from the conceptualization of the subject of study of social an thropology


  • Juan Antonio Doncel de la Colina Universidad Regiomontana



Social action, intersubjectivity, in-depth interviewing, participatory observation, globalization


In the globalized context of the modern world, the work of ethnographers differs in great measure from the way that, in another time, they addressed their work. To explain the take of modern ethnographies, we should understand the process of relocation and reconceptualization of the object of study in social anthropology has changed and adapted progressively to the socio-historic circumstances of each moment. With this purpose, we have tried to uncover the progressive rapprochement of the interest of this science from the “them” to the “us”, from the “outlying” to the “internal”, from the object to the subject, from social action to intersubjectivity. In the realm of modern ethnography, this is understood as a necessary revalorization and reconceptualization of the methodological tools, both of which are exemplified in two outcomes from a recent investigation concerning stereotypes and international communities in Monterrey.


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Author Biography

Juan Antonio Doncel de la Colina, Universidad Regiomontana

Profesor de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Regiomontana.


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