Metodology and field position: “not selling colored mirrors”
Ethnography, implication, reflexivity, affectability, metaphorsAbstract
In this text one thinks about the way of report of sources as well as about my position as investigator in the process of exploration the interpretive horizon and the renegotiation of roles provoked. Consequently, there treat each other questions linked to the process of production, reconstruction of the problem and the challenges of the approach epistemological-methodologically. My thought has been nourished directly of the scout of my own confusions, recognizing those who were sharing them, those who were validating them, exchanging histories on our common experiences and finding guidelines, systems, explanations of how and why the things happened. This one is the central process of the capture of conscience, of the collective testimony. This way it is since the theory done in house grows (Morales, 2004: 64).
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