Look an d be seer. Objectification of two groups of rural women


  • Mariana Viera Cherro




Women, rural areas, social movements, feminism, gender


This paper seeks to make a comparative analysis between two rural women organizations, one in Uruguay, the Red de Grupos de Mujeres Rurales, and the other one in Chile, the Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Indígenas. On the one hand, I investigate how the “rural” component of these two groups operates within each organizations, and, on the other hand, I look at how important it is for them the search for the construction of a “female” subject. I believe that these concepts have a strong connection with the self-definition of these groups, in the ability to make alliances with other groups and, ultimately, with the social order they are seeking.


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Author Biography

Mariana Viera Cherro

Licenciada en Antropología Social.


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