The equivocal calling to an Alain Badiou’s philosophical militancy


  • Pablo Lazo Briones



Event, politics, resistance, ethics, militancy


 I want to defend here a double reading of Badiou’s ethical-political proposal: on the one hand, while his descrip­tion of the event opens the possibility of a resignification of the social order as a whole, and of an idea of plausible political resistance; on the other hand the derivation of this resignifica­tion towards ethics tends to formalize itself to the extreme and thus to fall into an inoperative position precisely in the political and social arena in which it pretended a renovation. As a conse­quence, his intending for a militancy of philosophers ends up to be equivocal, since he does not clarify the tactical role that such a militancy would have.


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Author Biography

Pablo Lazo Briones

Profesor-investigador en la Universidad Iberoamericana, México.


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