Actores sociales, organizaciones civiles, programas sociales, movimiento urbano popularAbstract
The Mexico City’s PRD government is trying to establish some kinds of collaboration with the civil society and, in general, to attain a higher degree of “joint responsibility” with its population. It is a government that defines the citizen participation as the central factor of its actions and the joint responsibility as fundamental strategy for the construction of a political culture of citizen participation. In this context, the government has tried to implement a series of mechanisms allowing the participation of territorial organizations in the decision-making processes. Though the relation with the civil and social organizations tends to be diluted, some spaces of participation are kept. The article tries to present an analysis on the participation of diverse actors of the civil society (neighbors, social and civil organizations) in the definition and imple- mentation of social programs in the Distrito Federal. It is particularly analyzed the case of the Programa de Vivienda en Lote Familiar [Familiar Housing Program].
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