Searches and knowledge. Forced disappearances in Mexico


  • Valeria Fernanda Falleti Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana sede Xochimilco, México
  • Atala del Rocío Chávez y Arredondo UAM-X, México



Enforced disappearances, subaltern knowledge, searching process, victims, territory


The article reflects on the production and mobilization of certain types of knowledge as alternatives to hegemonic knowledge, and/or to formal and institutionalized procedures. We employ the concept of socially productive knowledge and use this lens to reflect on the searches carried out by groups of relatives of the disappeared. How should family members use new knowledge to carry out their searches? These ways of knowing are at times through formal channels, and at other times not. Family members and collectives generate their own geographies of pain and terror, they place themselves in the territories to look for human remains, and they learn to decipher signs of context. In the deployment of this knowledge, the management of space, territory and local context is important.


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Author Biographies

Valeria Fernanda Falleti, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana sede Xochimilco, México

Profesora e investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana sede Xochimilco, México.

Atala del Rocío Chávez y Arredondo, UAM-X, México

Candidata a Maestra por la Maestría en Psicología social de grupos e instituciones, UAM-X, México. 

