Stencil,, postmodernity, event, possibilityAbstract
This paper tries to configure an emerging thought on current reflexivity about art. In order to do so, stencil and are analyzed as eminently self-critical expressive ways. This essay gathers some theoretical aspects about current thinking on art. It is mainly based on the aesthetic theories of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in What is Philosophy?, although it points out multiple issues concerning postmodern thought. The two artistic forms analyzed in this work —reflection of the same theoretical thinking that was collapsed by postmodernity— are seen as culminating moments within the emerging thought that requests aesthetics. They are brought out as the few revolutionary ways 376 Andamios ABSTRACTS that still allow for the development of a theoretical thinking at the edge of the institutional canons. Therefore, the two spaces (under the temporal irruptive denomination of the event) are offered as a construct of possibility in our contemporarity.
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