On the Contemporary Ethical-Political Community


  • María Concepción Delgado Parra Universidad Autonoma de la Ciudad de México




Antigone, Community, Movement, Action, Insurmountable Paradox


Is the disagreement between human and divine law, derived from “judgment”, what lends continuity to the ethical-political community over time? Does the collusion between judgment and guilt protect power in its finitude in the territory of practical life? And in this respect, is it in the incessant movement of contradiction that the insuperable paradox that its re-configuration lies in the perversion of the confinement of the community is revealed? Through these questions, this essay seeks to trace the limits of the speculative discourse in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit in order to rethink the contemporary ethicalpolitical community.


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Author Biography

María Concepción Delgado Parra, Universidad Autonoma de la Ciudad de México

Doctora en ciencias políticas y sociales por la UNAM. Profesora investigadora en el Posgrado de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UACM). Visiting Fellow en el Macmillan Center en la Universidad de Yale (2013-2014). Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) Nivel 1.


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