From and Beyond Luhmann: Concentric Specialization and under/over Integration in Latin-America
System Theory, Functional specialization, Under-integration, Over-integration, AlopoiesisAbstract
This paper will revise two latin-american authors that, using a theoretical repertory based in the Social System Theory of Niklas Luhmann, develop a heterodox luhmannian view of modernity in the continent. Those authors are: Aldo Mascareño, with his concentric functional differentiation theory of Latin-America Modernity, and Marcelo Neves, who, with a Symbolic Constitutional Theory, makes the distinction between under-integration and over-integration for explain the absent citizenship in Latin-America. Both authors have as common characteristic to think from, but also beyond Luhmann, contributing to provide more interpretations about Latin-America and to increase the System Theory.
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