Interdisciplina rity as a research strategy. Ethnography, history, microhistory, an d daily life
Ethnography, history, micro-history, daily lifeAbstract
The ethnographic work reveals a series of moments and degrees of tension, rupture and cohesion to which otherwise it turns out difficult to accede. Since tool is useful for the study of diverse social processes. The present reflection is guided by the question: how has it been introduced in the use of innovative techniques and methods as strategies of investigation? Undoubtedly, the strategies answer necessarily to the research problem. There are two ways to establish the routes to follow: to initiate with the empirical work or with the written sources. One or the other will determine what follows. In both cases the ethnography, the history, the micro-history and the analysis of daily life can help to clarify and to complete the images. The nearby looks demonstrate the details, which does not look from the distance of the time or from the geographical distance. To give response to this one question I offer the case the dispute for lands between two communities and a ejido that is located in the Alto Balsas, Guerrero. The information comes from my doctoral thesis.
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