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Vol. 21 No. 55 (2024): Ignacio Ellacuría: filósofo, teólogo, luchador por la justicia y la paz. Vigencia y actualidad de su legado intelectual
					View Vol. 21 No. 55 (2024): Ignacio Ellacuría: filósofo, teólogo, luchador por la justicia y la paz. Vigencia y actualidad de su legado intelectual


Published: 2024-06-28


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The Journal was awarded with the category 'Academic Excellence' by the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT, for its acronym in Spanish) and is currently part of the Classification System of Mexican Journals of Science and Technology of the same institution. It has been indexed in multiple databases, such as Scielo-Mexico; Red ALyC; Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) and Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of ISI; Scopus; Latindex-Catalog; IBSS; Ulrich's Periodicals Directory; CLACSO; Social Science Collection (CSA); Sociological Abstracts; Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (WPSA); Political Database of the Americas (PDBA); International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA); EBSCO Publishing; The H. W. Wilson Company; and Swets Information.